Thursday 12 February 2015

Snack Diet

Healthy Snacking!  Truly blessed to have this as a home based business! (I get a bite or two of my own every now and then ;-))

One of the many advantages of having these energy bars as snacks is that you are already full from these scrumptious energizers! This means that there's little room for your heavy and complex lunch which means the lesser you eat! Losing weight has never been easier ;)

The best part of the Marathon Baker's Energy Bar is that it has no sugar (complex sugars, that is). The sweetness of the energy bars are derived from the simple sugars from the dates, apricots and cranberries. Whereas, the light carbohydrates come from oats that are great for reducing cholesterol.

These Marathon Baker Energy Bars are known for their power pump for all sports lovers. Even so, there are plenty of people asking me about dieting with the energy bars. I think they work just fine. Probably by eating one energy bar before your heavy meals, it reduces the amount of intake since the energy bar is already filling on its own. Here are 40 Fast and Easy Tips for losing weight that I've found while browsing through the net the other day. Take a look :-)